Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day - 22 April 2010

The way I see it, there are 5 R’s for a greener world – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renew and Respect.


  • Reduce your stuff. Commercialization has resulted in an overabundance of stuff in many homes and businesses across the world, but more so, here in the United States. Take a look around you – how much of that stuff do you really need? Before you purchase another item – ask yourself – do I really need this?
  • Reduce the amount of driving you do. If you can walk to work, work from home (this is my favorite – I have been doing it for 11 years), or telecommute, then do it and do it as much as you can. Rather than jumping in the car to run to town for an item here or there, plan your outings to incorporate the most logical flow for your errands and save them for one or two days at a time.
  • Reduce your energy consumption. Replace light bulbs with high efficiency ones as they burn out. Replace appliances with Energy Star models as it becomes necessary and lower your thermostat a degree or two and throw on a sweater instead.
  • Reduce your subscriptions to newspapers or magazines – its all online anyhow!!
  • Reduce the number of cleaning supplies in your house and clean green with three basic ingredients.


  • In my office alone, there are so many items that can be reused – from manila folders and envelopes (reuse for scratch paper), to printer paper. (Check out Freelance Folder’s tips for a paperless office)
  • Around the house, think before you toss. Can this item be used again (safe and sanitary, of course)?
  • Take your own shopping bags to the market or any store for that matter.
  • Pass on outgrown clothing to a friend or neighbor who can use it. My girls have been the recipients of some wonderful hand me downs over the years and I love being able to hand them down again.


  • Recycling is not just separating your green glass from your brown or collecting newspapers. Send your ink jet and laser printer cartridges back for recycling – many cartridge companies will even provide you with postage free return shipping.
  • You can recycle car batteries, tires, and motor oil.
  • Check out this great list of items you never thought to recycle.


  • Renewable resources that is! Always choose paper over plastic when given the choice. Paper is a renewable resource. We can plant more trees. Petroleum used for making plastic is not. When it is gone, its gone.
  • What about solar power and wind generated power? These are viable energy sources but we need to educate the masses.


We only have one Earth and we all have to live on it together. Respect your environment and try to leave the smallest footprint possible.

I have linked to some of my favorite entries in the post above, but as the day goes on I am sure that I will find even more great posts on Blog Action Day. I will be updating this as the day goes on. If you participated in Blog Action Day, stop in and leave me a comment so I can read your entry.